O content marketing e seu papel na indústria

Rodrigo Silva

Profissional de propaganda e marketing com mais de 8 anos de experiência, graduado em Publicidade e Propaganda, técnico em Produção Gráfica e Especialista em Marketing Digital. Atuo na área de criação e planejamento com foco na indústria farmacêutica. Atualmente desenvolvo projetos focados na indústria farmacêutica, a fim de apresentar soluções digitais criativas que se utilizem do marketing para alavancar os resultados dos clientes da agência.

2 Resultados

  1. Melisa Arenos disse:

    Thanks for sharing your perspective. I am curious, aside from your very own, can you advise other websites or books that might assist me get a better grasp of digital marketing?

    • Rodrigo Silva disse:

      Hi Melisa. First of all thanks for your comment.
      Digital marketing is a big area and you can study data analytics, content marketing, monitoring social networks, google adwords, SEO and other things. It depends on which area attracts you.
      You can begin visiting sites like http://academy.hubspot.com/ where you can study and get certified in Inbound Marketing. Google also has an online training free to get certified in their tools.
      To keep updated I suggest you to visit Hub Spot Blog. You also can visit http://www.mmm-online.com/ and http://pmemagazine.com/ for news about the pharma industry. Those are sites in english that I visit.
      I hope this will help you, and if you need anything more please contact me here or by email.


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